Columbia Jewish students ‘no longer feel safe,’ say anti-Israel mob chased them off campus

Columbia Jewish students ‘no longer feel safe,’ say anti-Israel mob chased them off campus

Anti-Israel demonstrations at the Columbia University campus have left many Jewish students feeling unsafe and contemplating how they will finish the semester. Students Elisha Baker and Andrew Parker Stein are pushing university leaders to do more to shut down the antisemitic vitriol. In response to the chaotic demonstrations, the university announced that Monday’s classes would…

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How to Detect Small Objects

How to Detect Small Objects

Author: Jacob Marks (Machine Learning Engineer at Voxel51) Using Slicing Aided Hyper Inference Object detection is one of the fundamental tasks in computer vision. At a high level, it involves predicting the locations and classes of objects in an image. State-of-the-art (SOTA) deep learning models like those in the You-Only-Look-Once (YOLO) family have reached remarkable…

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Un mural de Taylor Swift apareció junto a ‘the lakes’ en Chicago con el misterioso mensaje ‘El Departamento de Poetas Torturados’

Un mural de Taylor Swift apareció junto a ‘the lakes’ en Chicago con el misterioso mensaje ‘El Departamento de Poetas Torturados’

Después de marcar su salida tras su turno en el restaurante The Gage cerca de Millenium Park el lunes, Jess Dennsion vio un mensaje en una página de fans de Taylor Swift que no podía ignorar. Corrió hasta River North, donde los pintores, subidos a un elevador de tijera verde, crearon un código QR bastante…

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