Dinamo a raportat un profit de 1,8 milioane de euro în 2023! Clubul a explicat de unde provin banii

Dinamo a raportat un profit de 1,8 milioane de euro în 2023! Clubul a explicat de unde provin banii

Dinamo şi-a prezentat bilanţul financiar pentru anul 2023, iar cifrele dezvăluie o mare supriză pentru un club aflat în insolvență. Dinamo a raportat un profit de aproape 9 milioane de lei, circa 1,8 milioane de euro. S-a ajuns la acest rezultat prin adăugarea în contabilitate a ”altor venituri decât cele din exploatare” în valoare de…

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RMAG news

FreeBSD for Devs

A Developer’s Deep Dive into a Robust OS Hello, fellow developers! Today, I want to take you through a detailed exploration of FreeBSD, an often overlooked yet powerful operating system. As someone who has navigated the complexities of various Linux distributions, I found FreeBSD’s approach refreshing and transformative for my development work, especially in languages…

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Legal Expert Argues Punters Have A Good Case For Refunds After Bands Departed Pandemonium Line-up

Legal Expert Argues Punters Have A Good Case For Refunds After Bands Departed Pandemonium Line-up

Since half the bands departed the inaugural Pandemonium Rocks line-up ten days ago, punters have been wondering if they’re eligible for refunds with the line-up changes—and in Queensland, venues. Two of the festival’s four headliners—Deep Purple and Placebo—in addition to Dead Kennedys (who confirmed their exit independently), Gang Of Four, Gyroscope, and Petch are no longer on the line-up, making Pandemonium a one-stage event. The…

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RMAG news

Schüler des Goethe-Kollegs spielen „Mit mir nicht“ von Gustav Ernst

Bukarest – Am heutigen Donnerstag um 18 Uhr wird im Kulturhaus „Friedrich Schiller“ (Str. Batiștei Nr. 15) das Theaterstück „Mit mir nicht“ des österreichischen Schriftstellers Gustav Ernst in deutscher Sprache gespielt. Unter der Leitung von Axel Mustache, Schauspieler am Bukarester Nationaltheater und in der Theatergruppe The Creative Moustache sowie Absolvent des Deutschen Goethe-Kollegs, treten Schülerinnen…

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NPR boss once called the First Amendment a ‘challenge’ and ‘reverence for the truth’ a distraction

NPR boss once called the First Amendment a ‘challenge’ and ‘reverence for the truth’ a distraction

Controversial videos of Katherine Maher discussing her views on “the truth” and the First Amendment have resurfaced as the new NPR CEO continues to face online backlash and scrutiny. At the Atlantic Council’s 360/Open Summit in June 2021, Maher, then the CEO of Wikimedia which oversees Wikipedia, discussed efforts to push back against disinformation and…

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Partidul conservator din Croația a câștigat alegerile parlamentare

Partidul conservator din Croația a câștigat alegerile parlamentare

Conservatorii, aflați la putere în Croaţia, au ieşit pe primul loc în alegerile legislative, conform estimărilor iniţiale, dar cu mai puţine mandate decât în 2020, iar negocierile pentru a forma o majoritate se anunţă dificile, informează AFP, potrivit agerpres.ro. Potrivit primelor sondaje, HDZ, partidul conservator al premierului Andrej Plenkovic ar câştiga între 58 şi 59…

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This Passover has a ‘bitter taste,’ says Los Angeles-based activist as Hamas hostage crisis continues

This Passover has a ‘bitter taste,’ says Los Angeles-based activist as Hamas hostage crisis continues

This year, with dozens of hostages remaining in captivity in Gaza, the Jewish holiday of Passover has an especially poignant meaning, activist and actress Noa Tishby told Fox News Digital. Tishby is a New York Times bestselling author as well and Israel’s former Special Envoy for Combating Antisemitism and Delegitimization. She is based in Los…

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