Ripple CEO Discloses 10 CBDC Partnerships: Who Are They?

Ripple CEO Discloses 10 CBDC Partnerships: Who Are They?

Ripple’s CEO, Brad Garlinghouse, has unveiled a significant leap forward in the world of blockchain and digital currency by announcing partnerships with 10 governments to develop Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). These collaborations aim to harness Ripple’s blockchain technology for the creation and management of government-issued digital currencies, signaling a noteworthy advance in the integration…

RMAG news


Introduction This is what a Captcha test would be best suited for. What is CAPTCHA? According to the Official CAPTCHA website, CAPTCHA is a “program that protects websites against bots by generating and grading tests that humans can pass but current computer programs cannot.” This means that the intended purpose of the CAPTCHA tests is…

RMAG news

Tagging AWS resources the right way using Terraform

🔖 Introduction: Keeping your AWS resources organized and tracking costs can be a challenge, especially as your infrastructure grows. Tagging resources is a simple yet great solution, but doing it effectively requires following best practices. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to tag AWS resources using the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool Terraform….

Solana Price Faces Uphill Task: Tough Road Ahead For SOL Bulls

Solana Price Faces Uphill Task: Tough Road Ahead For SOL Bulls

Solana tested the $138 zone before it started a recovery wave. SOL price must clear the $150 and $155 resistance levels to start a steady increase. SOL price is eyeing an upside break above the $150 resistance against the US Dollar. The price is now trading above $145 and the 100-hourly simple moving average. There…

Mode-Horror bei der EM: Spott für Italiener im „Morgenrock“

Mode-Horror bei der EM: Spott für Italiener im „Morgenrock“

Eine blaue Baumwolljacke mit Verbands-Wappen, darunter ein hellblaues Hemd und eine dunkelblaue Krawatte: Die Anzüge des italienischen Nationalteams für die EM in Deutschland wurden von Emporio Armani entworfen und sollen an die der Auswahl aus dem Jahr 1928 erinnern. Vielen Fans der Squadra Azzurra gefällt das Outfit für das Turnier aber überhaupt nicht. Vor allem…

RMAG news

Männer schlafen vor Hamburger Hotel – 37 Mal gegen Kopf getreten!

Er soll Obdachlose auf der Reeperbahn angegriffen haben – jetzt muss sich ein 24-Jähriger vor dem Hamburger Landgericht verantworten. Die Prügelattacke ereignete sich in den frühen Morgenstunden des 28. Februar 2023. Der Angeklagte soll zunächst einen Mann angegriffen haben, der im Eingangsbereich eines Hotels auf der Reeperbahn schlief. Er soll das Opfer gegen eine Tür…

Three Reasons Why Altcoins Are Suffering and When They Will Recover

Three Reasons Why Altcoins Are Suffering and When They Will Recover

While bitcoin remains in consolidation, around 10% away from its all-time high, the altcoins are crashing and wiping out most of the gains made in the March crypto market rally. Calls for altseason have diminished, and the overall crypto market and social sentiment are low. There are a few factors that contribute to this altcoin…

Former TV anchor turned politician seeks to lead Romania’s major opposition party USR

Former TV anchor turned politician seeks to lead Romania’s major opposition party USR

Campulung Muscel mayor Elena Lasconi, a former TV anchor turned politician, announced her candidacy for the top position in the major Romanian opposition party Save Romania Union (USR) after former party president Catalin Drula resigned amid disappointing results in the European and local elections on June 9.  Lasconi was initially appointed as the flagship candidate…

Api Integration – Importance And Best Practices

Api Integration – Importance And Best Practices

In today’s digital world, applications need to communicate with each other to provide users with seamless experiences. This communication is often made possible through APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). API integration is a process where different software systems are connected using APIs, allowing them to share data and functionalities. Let’s delve deeper into what API integration…

Angelina Jolie, gran triunfadora de los Premios Tony por “The Outsiders”

Angelina Jolie, gran triunfadora de los Premios Tony por “The Outsiders”

La actriz Angelina Jolie, ganadora del Oscar en el año 2000, hizo historia anoche sumando un Tony a la larga lista de reconocimientos de su carrera. Y es que la intérprete de “Inocencia Interrumpida”, junto a su compañera de producción Debra Martin Chase, ganó el premio Tony a mejor musical por “The Outsiders”. El espectáculo…

Bed rotting, la última tendencia para aliviar el estrés sin salir de la cama

Bed rotting, la última tendencia para aliviar el estrés sin salir de la cama

En la era digital las tendencias de autocuidado proliferan en redes sociales, y de manera especialmente llamativa en algunas tan relevantes como TikTok. Una de las más recientes es el bed rotting, que, traducido literalmente, significa “pudrirse en la cama”. Esta práctica implica pasar el día entero acostado, saliendo solo para cubrir las necesidades básicas….

Raiffeisen Bank Launches MoonShotX, the First Regional Mid-Corporate Business Project in Romania

Raiffeisen Bank Launches MoonShotX, the First Regional Mid-Corporate Business Project in Romania

Raiffeisen Bank Romania announces the launch of MoonShotX – a unique project on the local market, supporting companies with a turnover between 5 million and 50 million euros (Mid-Corporate) to scale their businesses regionally. “MoonShotX represents a strategic project for Raiffeisen Bank Romania, through which we support Mid-Corporate companies in Romania to reach a new…

Bacalaureat 2024. Astăzi este proba orală la Limba română

Bacalaureat 2024. Astăzi este proba orală la Limba română

Examenul de Bacalaureat 2024 începe în ziua de luni, 17 iunie, prima probă fiind proba orală la Limba și literatura română. Peste 134.000 de candidaţi s-au înscris să susțină examenul de Bacalaureat în sesiunea iunie – iulie 2024. Ministerul Educaţiei a anunțat că probele de evaluare a competenţelor din cadrul acestei sesiuni de Bacalaureat sunt…

Github – Teams(Demo)

Github – Teams(Demo)

Step 1 : GitHub Teams can be created only under the organization. Make sure if you have selected your organization first Step 2 : Click on Teams Step 3: Click on new team to create new team Step 4: Enter/select the fields Team name (mandatory) Description (mandatory) Parent team (optional) : You can select other…

Ciucă, noi precizări despre sistemul Patriot pentru Ucraina. „Este nevoie de negociere vizavi de ceea ce putem să primim în schimb”

Ciucă, noi precizări despre sistemul Patriot pentru Ucraina. „Este nevoie de negociere vizavi de ceea ce putem să primim în schimb”

Nicolae Ciucă, președintele PNL, a făcut, duminică seara, noi precizări despre sistemul Patriot care ar putea fi trimis în ajutorul Ucrainei, spunând că răspunsul României, la peste o lună de la solicitarea SUA, nu este unul tardiv, ci ține de procedurile îndeplinirii unei analize minuțioase. Recent, România a operaționalizat un al doilea sistem Patriot. „O…

Romania plans to double installed power generation capacity by 2035

Romania plans to double installed power generation capacity by 2035

Romania will have to double the installed power generation capacity to 40GW by 2035 because 60% of it has to be produced in PV or wind installations and will, therefore, be intermittent, according to the 2025-2035 energy strategy draft currently under debate at the Ministry of Energy. Romania assumed within the framework of the STL…

XRP Price Recovers Past 100 SMA: Bullish Indicators Ahead?

XRP Price Recovers Past 100 SMA: Bullish Indicators Ahead?

XRP price started a decent recovery wave above $0.4850. The price reclaimed the 100-hourly SMA and might aim for more upsides. XRP price found support at $0.4600 and started a recovery wave. The price is now trading above $0.4850 and the 100-hourly Simple Moving Average. There was a break above a key bearish trend line…

An Evening With Vika & Linda @ Frankston Arts Centre, Melbourne

An Evening With Vika & Linda @ Frankston Arts Centre, Melbourne

Exuberant applause greets Vika & Linda Bull’s arrival on stage alongside long-time collaborator Cameron Bruce, who takes a seat at the piano. Opener On My Way is flawless, the Bull sisters taking exactly zero time to hit their stride. The audience is charmed from the get-go. Wearing classy matching pastel suits in different colours –…

RMAG news

Leveraging Amazon Titan Text Premier for RAG AI in Software Testing

Introduction Amazon Titan Text Premier, now available through Amazon Bedrock, is a state-of-the-art generative AI model that can revolutionize various fields, including software testing. This article provides a detailed guide on how to implement Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) and agent-based generative AI applications to enhance software testing processes, optimizing outcomes with these advanced technologies. Understanding RAG…

SAGA festival returns with Rave Plane, Mainstage 360 and three VIP areas

SAGA festival returns with Rave Plane, Mainstage 360 and three VIP areas

In less than a month, SAGA 2024 invites festival-lovers to three days of fun alongside famous artists performing for the first time in Romania. Now in its fourth edition, the biggest music festival in Bucharest promises a unique experience between July 5-7 at Romaero. 360 Mainstage and three VIP decks Year after year, SAGA festival…

RMAG news

Introduction to Container Orchestration

Containerization has revolutionized how we develop and deploy software, streamlining processes and enhancing scalability. It all began modestly in 1979 with the introduction of chroot, a Unix feature that allowed applications to operate within a confined directory subset. This breakthrough laid the groundwork for application isolation, a crucial concept for modern containerization. Building upon chroot,…

Bennégett egy személy a melléképületben Székelyvarságon

Bennégett egy személy a melléképületben Székelyvarságon

Tűz ütött ki egy melléképületben Székelyvarságon, melyhez a helyi önkéntes-, és a székelyudvarhelyi hivatásos tűzoltókat is a helyszínre riasztották. A tűzoltóság tájékoztatása szerint az épületben – amely két személynek adott otthont – érkezésükkor mintegy 30 négyzetméteren voltak elterjedve a lángok. A két ott lakó személy közül egyiknek sikerült kimenekülnie a lángoló ingatlanból, másikuknak – egy…

La desconocida devoción por el Santo Niño del Remedio en Madrid

La desconocida devoción por el Santo Niño del Remedio en Madrid

Hoy en día, para muchos, las iglesias pasan desapercibidas. Pocos entran en ellas a seguir los oficios. Ya casi que ni para admirar su valor artístico. No hablemos de los oratorios o capillas desperdigados por toda la ciudad, o al menos en los barrios de mayor solera. En devoción, a la altura de alguno conocido…

Brussels residents reportedly concerned about aesthetic impact of Romanian DIGI cable network

Brussels residents reportedly concerned about aesthetic impact of Romanian DIGI cable network

Residents in some neighborhoods of Brussels reportedly signed a petition against Romanian telecom operator DIGI Communications, claiming that its fiber network would damage the aesthetic of their facades, according to  The Romanian telecom group should reach a deal and share the networks already installed by the other three operators, the residents claim.  In response,…