Prepping for Healthcare Software Development: Seeking advice from Seasoned Pros

RMAG news

About Me

I am a biomedical engineer transitioning into software development. As someone with a background in healthcare and a keen interest in coding, I’m eager to learn from experienced developers who have worked on healthcare applications.

My Questions

What was the last healthcare application you developed and pushed into production?
During any phase from design to production, what were the top five challenges or problems you faced?
How did you overcome or address those challenges?

Why I’m Asking

As I prepare to embark on my journey as a software developer in the healthcare sector, I believe that understanding the real-world challenges and experiences of seasoned professionals in this domain will be invaluable. Your insights and lessons learned can help me better prepare for the unique demands and considerations involved in developing healthcare applications.

I appreciate you taking the time to share your experiences and perspectives. Your responses will provide me with a more comprehensive understanding of the landscape and equip me with the knowledge to navigate potential challenges more effectively.

Thank you in advance for your valuable contributions!


Image by Leelo The First from Pexels