Python for school students

RMAG news

Let’s start with basics –

What is programming?🧐

Programming is a way to instruct computers to perform a given task .

What is Algorithm –
A complete sequence of instructions is termed as Algo.
CompVocab :-
Instruction = command

Why we need programming languages??

Computer is just a dumb machine, it can only understand binary language which (0 & 1),
So to deliver our instruction to the computer we have to first convert our language into machine level Language {0 and 1 form or into a combination of (0 & 1)}… That’s why programming lang is required…!!

Machine Language=

Combination of 0 & 1 , can’t use anything except 0 & 1

Assembly Language=

Combination of mnemonics like (ADD SUB DIV ) , it is only understandable to humans…to make it executable (run so that computer can understand) first assembly language is converted into Machine Language by the use of Assembler(work as Translator)
Next 🙂
☕Deep delve into the world of Python :-
Soon –>
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