Resident Evil 9: Revenant Shadows Listing Appears on Play Asia, Alongside Listings for Code Veronica, Zero

Resident Evil 9: Revenant Shadows Listing Appears on Play Asia, Alongside Listings for Code Veronica, Zero

A listing for Resident Evil 9 appeared today on online retailer Play Asia’s website, revealing the game’s supposed subtitle. The listing, which can be found here, reveals that the ninth entry in the series, subtitled Remnant Shadows, will continue the series’ chilling legacy with a fresh story, new characters, and the return of familiar faces, blending intense action intricate puzzles and the atmospheric dream fans have come to love over the years. Alongside the Resident Evil 9 listing, listings for Resident Evil Code Veronica, Zero, and 5 on PlayStation 5 appeared today on Play Asia. The listing for the fifth […]

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