Responding to fears about immigration | Letters

Responding to fears about immigration | Letters

Tony Wilkinson says the public must be given accurate figures on small boat arrivals to show what a tiny proportion of immigration it actually is. Plus letters from Brian Stewart and Rosalind Brunt

Two cheers for Nesrine Malik’s piece on the attitudes underlying the recent riots (After the riots, Keir Starmer should tell us the truth about our country. This is why he won’t, 19 August). She gives a powerful and accurate picture of the cancer of xenophobia that infects most western countries, including ours, to a greater or lesser degree. One cheer withheld, though because, in common with most journalists, she omits the hard numbers. They should be used every time the subject of immigration is raised.

How is possible that the political right gets away with suggesting that small boats are somehow the biggest problem the country faces? Because commentators don’t show that they are a tiny fraction – 2% – of total immigration, which is generally strictly controlled. Repeat the numbers every time, and the lies will be scotched, and the government need do little more.
Tony Wilkinson
Ottery St Mary, Devon

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