Rishi sinks into TV sofa as Boris gloats and Mel goes rogue | John Crace

Rishi sinks into TV sofa as Boris gloats and Mel goes rogue | John Crace

PM’s This Morning appearance came after his No 10 predecessor had put the boot in and his most loyal lieutenant suddenly decided to tell the truth

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There was one man missing from the group of cabinet ministers who shuffled into the downstairs space at the National Army Museum in Chelsea for Rishi Sunak’s London farewell. Even Jeremy Hunt, Steve Barclay and Lord Big Dave had made the effort to rise from the dead for one last hurrah. To say their goodbyes to the political stage. To hear Boris Johnson trash what passes for their government’s legacy.

It wasn’t pretty. No one has done more than Boris to debase the office of prime minister; the man who slept and partied while others died only had kind words for himself. Rish! did not rate a mention. This was yet another leaving party he was not going to miss. A final chance to put the boot in. To hammer home the final nail in the coffin. Sunak’s nose for self-destruction was once again impeccable. Putting his trust in a narcissistic solipsist was never going to end well.

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