Romania Elections 2024: Voter resources, candidates, results and updates

Romania Elections 2024: Voter resources, candidates, results and updates

A one-stop shop of our coverage of Romania’s super-electoral 2024.

Four elections take place in Romania this year as voters have to decide on all elected officials: MEPs, mayors and other local representatives, MPs, and the president. We have compiled below the main stories we have published on the upcoming elections, grouped in sections on voter resources, the candidates, the polls, and the results. We will update the page as relevant information emerges.

Voter resources

Voter resources for Romania’s 2024 elections

Romania’s 2024 elections: The calendar announced so far

European elections 2024: Romania to open more than 900 polling stations abroad

The candidates

Romania’s 2024 elections: The candidates for the Bucharest mayor seat

Romania’s 2024 elections: Bucharest mayoral race full up as PSD, PNL candidates join in

Far-right Romanian politician Diana Șoșoacă enters race for mayor of Bucharest

EUR 400,000 donations, bank loan: Bucharest mayor outlines 2024 campaign funding sources

Romania’s 2024 elections: The race for the big cities

Romanian Liberal leader Nicolae Ciuca confirms plans to run for president this autumn

The polls

Romanian ruling coalition first in voting intentions for European Parliament elections, new poll shows

Poll shows far-right AUR loses momentum ahead of European elections

Bucharest mayor leads in race for a new term, according to latest poll

Clotilde Armand leads in poll for mayor seat in Bucharest’s District 1

Poll says NATO deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana would dominate presidential elections in Romania

Oldest candidate in Romania’s upcoming elections is 100 years old, Electoral Authority says

60% of Romanians interested in European elections, Eurobarometer survey reveals

AtlasIntel poll says Romania’s grand coalition has no chance of winning presidential elections

AtlasIntel European elections poll shows disappointing score for Romania’s grand coalition

The results

Local elections

To be updated

EU Parliament elections

To be updated

(Photo: Tngrafik |