Romanian students win eight medals at European Geography Olympiad

Romanian students win eight medals at European Geography Olympiad

The 10th edition of the European Geography Olympiad took place from June 28 to July 4 in Belgrade, Kopaonik, Serbia. Romania won two gold, four silver, and two bronze medals during the contest.

The seniors team consisted of Daniel Nicolae Hanganu, National College Iaşi (gold medal); Andrei-Ioan Moga, “Garabet Ibrăileanu” National College Iaşi (silver medal); Alex-Darius Topai, “Onisifor Ghibu” National College Oradea (bronze medal); and Mihnea-Ioan Şuţoiu, “Nicolae Titulescu” National College Pucioasa (bronze medal).

The junior team consisted of Cosmin-Ioan Dulgheru, “Gheorghe Roşca Codreanu” National College Bârlad (gold medal and the highest score obtained by a junior), Cristina-Daria Toderici, “Adam Müller Guttennbrunn” Theoretical High School Arad (silver medal), Andrei-Marius Ţiplic, “Gheorghe Lazăr” National College Sibiu (silver medal), and Paul-Ioan Ţiplic, “Gheorghe Lazăr” National College Sibiu (silver medal).

The team coordinators were professor Mihaela Florina Alexandru, an inspector in the Ministry of Education, and professor Mihaela Cornelia Fiscutean from the National College Iaşi.

“Congratulations, children! Congratulations, and we are grateful to all who support excellence in education and contribute to shaping the future through their dedication and support! Thanks to the parents for their unconditional support of the children,” the Ministry of Education said on Facebook.

(Photo source: Ministerul Educației – România on Facebook)

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