‘Rutger Hauer said he didn’t play bad guys’: how we made chiller classic The Hitcher

‘Rutger Hauer said he didn’t play bad guys’: how we made chiller classic The Hitcher

‘Rutger seemed to terrify everyone on the set and was pretty much left alone. I once went to his trailer for lunch and we sat in dead silence as he chain-smoked’

The screenwriter Eric Red said the idea for The Hitcher came to him when he was driving in the rain and thought of the Doors’ song Riders on the Storm. Specifically the line: “There’s a killer on the road.” John Ryder, the film’s hitchhiking serial killer, was originally described by Eric as having a damaged larynx, meaning he spoke using an electronic voice box. In those early drafts, he was much more monstrous – just a force of evil.

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