Ryan and Righ want to get married in Taiwan – they can’t because of China’s same-sex marriage ban

Ryan and Righ want to get married in Taiwan – they can’t because of China’s same-sex marriage ban

Cross-strait couples are required to marry in China, but with gay marriage still impossible on the mainland, many couples are left in limbo

Ryan and Righ like to compare their relationship to a Shakespearean drama. The two met when Righ, originally from China, visited Ryan’s Taiwanese city of Kaohsiung in 2016. A brief conversation next to the city’s “Love River” soon developed into a romance that defied the long-running cross-strait tensions between their homes.

Although Righ returned to the Chinese capital of Beijing, and Ryan, who runs a guesthouse, stayed in Taiwan, the couple entered a long-distance relationship for years before deciding they wanted to get married.

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