Sausage Party: Foodtopia review – you may need to look away from all the fruit and veg pornography

Sausage Party: Foodtopia review – you may need to look away from all the fruit and veg pornography

This relentlessly puerile follow-up to Seth Rogen’s 2016 film is a glorious slice of anthropomorphism that’s full of perfectly crafted idiocy – if you can stomach the sex scenes

The important thing about Sausage Party: Foodtopia is to know what you’re getting into and to admit to yourself that it is exactly what you are looking for. An animated series starring Seth Rogen, Kristen Wiig, Will Forte and Michael Cera, following on from the 2016 animated film about what happens when food becomes sentient and starts fighting back against its human enemy, is not Heimat. You know that. Own it, and prepare to enjoy the stream of grossout humour and perfectly crafted idiocy that is about to be unleashed upon you.

On all those scores, Sausage Party: Foodtopia delivers. Indeed, in episode six, which Prime deemed worthy of a pre-credits warning for one scene, you might say it overdelivers. I blame The Boys, but that’s the only clue you’re getting.

Sausage Party: Foodtopia is on Prime Video now.

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