Secure Your Website with SafeLine: A Free and Easy-to-Use WAF

Secure Your Website with SafeLine: A Free and Easy-to-Use WAF

If you’ve ever set up your own website, you know how vulnerable it can be to attacks. Today, I’m introducing a simple, free, and effective tool to help protect your site—a Web Application Firewall (WAF) called SafeLine.

What is a WAF?

WAF stands for Web Application Firewall. Unlike traditional firewalls, WAF operates at the application layer, offering enhanced protection for web systems that run on HTTP/HTTPS protocols. This makes it an essential tool in shielding your site from malicious attacks.

What is SafeLine?

SafeLine is a robust, easy-to-use, and completely free WAF designed to protect your website from hackers. It uses cutting-edge semantic detection technology and functions as a reverse proxy, ensuring that your site stays safe.

GitHub Repository: SafeLine on GitHub

Official Website: SafeLine Website

Live Demo: SafeLine Demo

Why Choose SafeLine?

Ease of Use:
SafeLine is incredibly user-friendly, with zero learning curve. It features containerized deployment, allowing you to install it with just a single command.

Utilizing intelligent semantic analysis, SafeLine offers precise detection with minimal false positives, making it difficult for attackers to bypass.

With a linear security detection algorithm, SafeLine achieves an average request detection delay of just 1 millisecond. It can easily handle 2000+ transactions per second (TPS) on a single core.

Built on the Nginx traffic processing engine, SafeLine guarantees both performance and stability. It includes a comprehensive health check mechanism, ensuring 99.99% service availability.

How to Install SafeLine

System Requirements:

Operating System: Linux
Architecture: x86_64
Software Dependencies: Docker version 20.10.14 or later, Docker Compose version 2.0.0 or later
Minimum Environment: 1 CPU core, 1 GB RAM, 5 GB disk space

Installation Command:
Run the following command to start the installation:

bash -c $(curl -fsSLk

Note: Your server must have internet access to execute the above command.

Getting Started with SafeLine

Once installed, you can access the SafeLine management dashboard by opening your browser and navigating to https://<your-ip>:9443.

Get Administrator Account

docker exec safeline-mgt resetadmin

After the command is successfully executed, you will see the following content

[SafeLine] Initial username:admin
[SafeLine] Initial password:**********
[SafeLine] Done

Enter the password in the previous step and you will successfully logged into SafeLine.

From the dashboard, you can easily add sites for protection. To test SafeLine’s effectiveness, try simulating an attack:

SQL Injection Simulation: Visit http://<your-ip-or-domain>:<port>/?id=1%20AND%201=1

XSS Simulation: Visit http://<your-ip-or-domain>:<port>/?html=<script>alert(1)</script>

Explore SafeLine’s other features and discover how it can keep your website secure!

GitHub Repository: SafeLine on GitHub

Official Website: SafeLine Website

Live Demo: SafeLine Demo

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