#SigurantaOnline offers safe vacation recommendations

#SigurantaOnline offers safe vacation recommendations
The Romanian Police, the National Directorate of Cyber ​​Security (DNSC) and the Romanian Association of Banks (ARB), through the national awareness project #SigurantaOnline, come up with a series of essential recommendations dedicated to users in Romania, to protect their personal and financial data in the summer season. Everyone wants a carefree and incident-free summer vacation, but for that we need to train some security reflexes about our data. From avoiding too-good-to-be-true offers to using complex passwords and two-step authentication, these tips help users stay safe online while preparing for the holidays:
1. Check websites before booking
Before entering sensitive data on a website, verify that the site is legitimate. Look for the lock symbol in the address bar and make sure the URL starts with “https”. You can also check website reviews on the internet to see if other users have had positive or negative experiences.
2. Choose a reliable travel agency
When planning your vacation, it is important to choose a reliable travel agency with a good reputation. You can ask friends or family for recommendations or search the internet for agencies with positive reviews. Make sure the agency is licensed and has a solid online presence. Get information from several sources, preferably other than the agencies’ own websites.
3. Look out for special offers
If you see a vacation deal that seems too good to be true, it’s probably a scam. Cybercriminals often use compelling offers to lure victims and steal their money or personal information. Be skeptical of offers that promise luxury accommodation at rock-bottom prices or free tours. Avoid accessing links received from unknown sources by email or SMS, through communications on social media, or through chat platforms (WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, etc.) and do not fill in personal or bank details upon request on these.
4. Use two-step authentication
When booking online, use a secure payment method. Make sure you have two-step authentication enabled by using two items from the following categories: something you know (PIN code, password), something you own (mobile phone, verified by SMS password) and something that belongs to you (fingerprint , facial recognition).
5. Protect your devices
Make sure your devices are protected with up-to-date anti-virus and anti-malware software. Also, use a strong password to log in to your email account and other online accounts.
Avoid using public
WI-FI networks. Public WI-FI networks can be insecure, so avoid using them to access sensitive information such as your bank account or credit card. If you must use a public Wi-Fi network, use a VPN (virtual private network) connection or set up your own wireless hotspot.
7. Be extra careful when paying with your card and using the ATM
Take the time to review your banking and check for suspicious transactions. If you see something strange at the ATM, stop using that machine, don’t allow photocopying of the card, and cover the ATM screen when you enter your PIN.
8. Be careful what you post on social media
Don’t post information about your vacation on social media and avoid sharing your location publicly. Review the privacy settings on your social media accounts. Cybercriminals can use this information to steal your identity or commit other crimes.
9. Report fraud
If you are a victim of online fraud, report it to the authorities immediately by filing a formal complaint with the Police.
Also, inform the National Directorate of Cyber ​​Security either by phone at number 1911 or by e-mail at alerts@dnsc.ro, to help prevent such incidents in the future.

The post #SigurantaOnline offers safe vacation recommendations appeared first on The Romania Journal.