Slip: the highly polished comedy that’s like TV’s version of Everything Everywhere All At Once

Slip: the highly polished comedy that’s like TV’s version of Everything Everywhere All At Once

This deeply funny series about a woman who leaps into a parallel life every time she orgasms is slick, interesting and full of excellent dialogue. It’s ideal late-night summer viewing

It’s summer, so we don’t really actually want any new culture. This is one of those strange revelations that I have about this time every year and then manage to forget again almost immediately – so I am surprised upon re-realising it again 12 months later (a similar one is: every October, I will start to feel profound dread, to the point where I’ve set up a recurring calendar entry on the first of the month that just warns: “Dread”).

It is too hot and you can’t find that fan you bought and the Olympics are on and the sun is out, and there’s at least one of those evenings where you decide to walk home from work because it’s so nice out and impromptu plans are always being arranged and you’re having your dinner outside so you can’t watch House of the Dragon because you’re too busy swatting flies away. There’s no point any new culture coming out right now, because who can be bothered to watch it? Just make the film Twister again so we can put that on in the background.

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