Speed limits reduced in the Village of Los Ranchos

Speed limits reduced in the Village of Los Ranchos

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – If you’re driving through the Village of Los Ranchos, you’ll want to make sure you slow down. The Village has recently reduced the speed limits throughout the area to curb speeding. 

The Village of Los Ranchos said the speed limit has been changed from 35 mph to 25 mph throughout the entire area in hopes of making drivers slow down.     

“Accidents decrease with the decrease in speed limits and just overall safety,” said Village Administrator John Avila.    

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John Avila explained the change comes from an ordinance that was approved back in 2019. The ordinance capped the speed limit to 25 miles per hour throughout the area, but Avila said it was just slow to implement.  

A recent resolution to enforce the speed limit was approved on June 1. The Village is currently working on the “4th Street Revitalization Project,” which made it the perfect time to update speed limits on the road. Avila said he’s already noticed a difference.     

“People are taking their time along 4th Street, and you notice it most there because most of the smaller streets have already had the 25 mph signs in. You know, taking their time and planning just seems more orderly,” stated Avila.    

However, some drivers are still getting used to the sudden change. A KRQE crew stood on Fourth Street and caught some drivers speeding through the area despite the multiple new speed limit signs. One resident didn’t want to go on camera but said he hopes drivers learn about the change soon.    

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“Slow down, enjoy the Village, and it’s a great place and just be mindful of all of the pedestrians,” stated one Village of Los Ranchos resident who wanted to remain anonymous. 

Avila said they also have an agreement with the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office, who helps them monitor and enforce speed limits. They said BCSO is currently patrolling the Village.

The Village of Los Ranchos also conducted a traffic study to add more speed deterrents. They include speed bumps and elevated crosswalks. 

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