Starting with ReactJS with fun

Starting with ReactJS with fun

Firstly we’re going to create a folder and named it with anything, Suppose, my folder name is “Tic-Tac-Toe Game” .
Now open this folder in VS code.
Now go to this folder directory

Now type “cmd” here as follow this snippets

When the command prompt will appear then type

npm install

N:B: you have to install “nodejs” first

To install nodejs easily you can follow this link

Then you have to type:

npm install -g create-react-app

To check if “create-react-app” is successfully installed type:

create-react-app –version

Then for create a react app you have to create by following command:

create-react-app tic-tac-toe

N:B: **you can use your own name**

That’s all for successfully create your very first “** React App**”

Now we’re going to develop a “Tic-Tac_Toe” game using React.
Here first check that your “React App” structure. I hope this will be like this:

And this is our folder structure:

We’re going to copy this code to our “App.js” file:

export default function Square() {
return <button className=”square”>Game</button>;