Stay ahead in web development: latest news, tools, and insights #37

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weeklyfoo #37 is here: your weekly digest of all webdev news you need to know! This time you’ll find 43 valuable links in 4 categories! Enjoy!

🚀 Read it!

How to Build Anything Extremely Quickly: Do outline speedrunning – Recursively outline an MVP, speedrun filling it in, and only then go back and perfect. / productivity / 7 min read

From Chaos to Clarity – My Journey with Obsidian: Effectively using Obsidian with sync / productivity, obsidian / 10 min read

📰 Good to know

Prerender pages in Chrome for instant page navigations: You can use the new specification API in Chrome to pre-render pages. / chrome / 31 min read

Morphing Arbitrary Paths in SVG: If you want to learn how to morph shapes in SVGs, this is the article you have to read. / svgs / 14 min read

Payments 101 for a Developer: All you need to know about payments. / payments / 11 min read

Creating Perfect Font Fallbacks in CSS: Important to have a fallback strategy! / fonts / 9 min read

What makes a great contribution to a codebase?: Great summary of what to do if you want to contribute to a code base. / guides, engineering / 10 min read

Ship something every day: Full ack on – The dopamine rush of your code being shipped / productivity / 2 min read

Using Node.js’s test runner: Official Node.js test runner docs. / node / 9 min read

How To Hack Your Google Lighthouse Scores In 2024: Do perfect Lighthouse scores mean the performance of your website is perfect? As it turns out, Lighthouse is influenced by a number of things that can be manipulated and bent to make sites seem more performant than they really are, as Salma Alam-Naylor demonstrates in several experiments. / performance, lighthouse / 23 min read

Cross-Document View Transitions: That’s a really nice demo of how to use the new astro zero js transitions. / astro, transitions / 0 min read

Spreadsheet Superstars: An elite handful of analysts, actuaries, and accountants have mastered Excel, arguably the most important software in the business world. So what do they do in Vegas? They open a spreadsheet. / spreadsheets / 38 min read

Perfect Bug Report: Write Bug Reports That Developers Love! / bugs / 3 min read

Why curl closes PRs on Github: Contributors to the curl project on GitHub tend to notice the above sequence quite quickly – pull requests submitted do not generally appear as merged with its accompanying purple blob, instead they are said to be closed. / curl / 12 min read

A list of useful examples of the sed command on Linux: sed is extremely useful. / sed, cli / 0 min read

FWIW: For whatever it’s worth – my advice on job hunting in tech / career / 70 min read

🧰 Tools

activepieces: Your friendliest open source all-in-one automation tool / workflows, automation

Programming Fonts: Test different fonts for your IDE. / fonts

CideFlattener: CodeFlattener is a Node.js command-line tool designed to export the structure and code of a repository into a single flat text file. / utils

Flameshot: Powerful, yet simple to use open-source screenshot software. / screenshots

Web Interactions Gallery: Collection of animated elements from all over the Web / animations, gallery

Font Interceptor: Font Interceptor downloads all fonts in use on a target website. Will you use it? / fonts

restate: Restate is the platform for building resilient applications that tolerate all infrastructure faults w/o the need for a PhD. / workflows

Share URL: Share a URL with Web Share, copy to clipboard or to social media / sharing

JsonTree.js: A lightweight JavaScript library that generates customizable tree views to better visualize JSON data. / json

Reshot: Free Icons & Illustrations / icons, illustrations

Remeda: A utility library for JavaScript and TypeScript. / typescript, utils

DGM.js: An infinite canvas with smart shapes / canvas

Pastel: Next.js-like framework for CLIs made with Ink / cli

Jsvectormap: A lightweight JavaScript library for creating interactive maps and pretty data visualization. / maps

starry-night: Syntax highlighting, like GitHub / highlighting

Quartz: a fast, batteries-included static-site generator that transforms Markdown content into fully functional websites / markdown

Type Fluidity: Calculate fluid typography sizes / typography

Adobe Alternatives: A list of alternatives for Adobe software / adobe, directory

Lexbor: Lexbor is development of an open source HTML Renderer library. / browser-engine

wired-elements: Collection of custom elements that appear hand drawn. Great for wireframes or a fun look. / ui

ASCII Silhouettify: ASCII Silhouettify is an app that converts images into ASCII silhouettes, a style of ASCII art distinguished by uniformly filled geometric shapes rather than lines or textures. / ascii, art

📚 Tutorials

How To Use Corepack: Never think again what package manager to use in a project. / npm, corepack / 4 min read

Apple Tab Pill Animation: Seen this effect of Apple WWDC24 / css / 0 min read

Full Stack Web Push API Guide: Try out push notifications! / notifications / 18 min read

Generating ZIP Files With Javascript: Self-explanatory / zip, javascript / 3 min read

Using the Page Visibility API: Checking document visibility gives you insight into how visitors are interacting with your pages and can provide hints about the status of your applications. / visibility / 10 min read

Quick Trick – Using border-image to Apply and Overlay Gradient.: A one-liner for a nice effect. / css / 3 min read

Want to read more? Check out the full article here.

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