Tactical voting can see off the Tories – that’s the message behind my paddleboarding and bungee jumping | Ed Davey

Tactical voting can see off the Tories – that’s the message behind my paddleboarding and bungee jumping | Ed Davey

My stunts have been great fun, but the stakes couldn’t be higher in this election. A handful of votes could make all the difference

Ed Davey is leader of the Liberal Democrats

I have a confession to make. I am a politician. You could be forgiven, after the past six weeks of seeing me fall off a paddleboard, career down a waterslide or plunge from a bungee jump, for thinking that I was auditioning to present a Saturday night light entertainment show. I was, in fact, asking you to vote Liberal Democrat.

The “stunts” hopefully show that I do not take myself too seriously. But what I do treat with the utmost importance are the issues that people have raised with me and the stakes at this election, which could not be higher.

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