Channel your inner John Legend and start playing with this AI piano coach

Channel your inner John Legend and start playing with this AI piano coach

TL;DR: Get lifetime access to Skoove Premium Piano Lessons for just $119.99 when you use code SAVENOW. Learning piano is often the gateway to mastering other instruments, but it’s not always a smooth ride. You’ve probably heard the less-than-perfect attempts of friends or family trying to get the hang of it. You might not have…

Steve Borthwick homes in on new England defence coach

Steve Borthwick homes in on new England defence coach

Post vacant after shock resignation of JonesLaker, Gustard and El-Abd all in contention Steve Borthwick is closing in on a new defence coach as he moves to restore order to his ranks following the shock resignation of Felix Jones. The South African coach Norman Laker is believed to be in the frame while Paul Gustard…