RMAG news

Bitcoin Funding Rate Near Zero, Indicating Room for Growth

Bitcoin appears to have defied the historical trend of negative return for September, with almost 9% in gains for the month. At the time of writing, Bitcoin is trading above $64,000. As such, experts are now betting on a more favourable market conditions and a continued bullish trend for the world’s leading crypto asset. Room…

Analyst warns rising public debt service hinders Romanian Govt.’s capacity to stimulate growth

Analyst warns rising public debt service hinders Romanian Govt.’s capacity to stimulate growth

The latest data revealing widening twin deficits in Romania, published at the end of last week, prompted concerns and pushed up the yield of the 10-year bonds to 6.89% from 6.75% before, putting pressure on the public debt service, warned Adrian Codirlasu, deputy president of the CFA Romania Society. This is severely hindering the government’s…