Take A Breather From The Doom Porn: Here Is Why The Selloff In Bitcoin Is Now Overextended

Take A Breather From The Doom Porn: Here Is Why The Selloff In Bitcoin Is Now Overextended

Fear, panic, liquidations, margin calls. These are some of the choice words that can be used to describe the ongoing carnage in global equities and cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin. Yet, akin to a toddler prone to throwing tantrums at the slightest inconvenience, the market has a proclivity to overreact to given stimuli. A case in point: the excesses of the recent AI bubble and the ongoing Fed- and Yen carry trade-driven global margin call. Records Are Now Being Broken Left, Right, And Center, And Bitcoin Finds Itself In The Middle Of This Maelstrom We noted yesterday how the activation of the […]

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