Teacher from a prestigious high school in Bucharest arrested for raping two boys

Teacher from a prestigious high school in Bucharest arrested for raping two boys

The Prosecutor’s Office of the Bucharest Court launched a criminal investigation on behalf of a teacher from a prestigious high school in the capital for the accusations that he had raped a minor student and had performed acts of a sexual nature on another.

Professor Sorin Spineanu Dobrota, who teaches socio-human subjects at the “Sfîntul Sava” National College, one of the most prestigious colleges in the Capital and in Romania, was detained. He was also head of service in the National Center for Policies and Evaluation in Education of the Ministry of Education.
The Ministry of Education announced that it has asked the prosecutors for information about the case of the head of the examinations and competitions service, Sorin Spineanu-Dobrotă, detained for the accusation of rape on a student and sexual assault on another, in order to be able to suspend him from his position.
According to the description in his most recent book, “Preparation guide for admission to LAW – economics and critical thinking”, CD PRESS Publishing House, 2023, Sorin Spineanu-Dobrotă “coordinates in CNPEE the scientific activities related to the National Assessment for the graduates of class VIII- a, the national baccalaureate exam, the national exam for finalization in education and the unique national competition for teaching positions in pre-university education”.
“Sorin Spineanu-Dobrota has a teaching degree I, over 28 years of experience in education, he is a member of the National Commission for Socio-Humanities, but also president of the Central Commission of the National Economics Olympiad.National trainer in the field of educational sciences, published numerous volumes of school books – guides, collections, curricular aids”, according to the description.
Professor of socio-human subjects, Sorin Spineanu Dobrotă has several collections of subjects and a book “Homosexuality, normal or pathological”, published by Tritonic Publishing House, in 2005. He stood out in several appearances at Teleșcoala lessons, from TVR 2.
Prosecutors say that the reported deeds happened in 2021 in the professor’s apartment.
On 25.07.2024, the prosecutors of the Prosecutor’s Office upon the Bucharest Court launched the criminal action against a defendant (a 51-year-old man), investigated for the crimes of rape committed against a minor and sexual assault committed against to a minor. On the basis of the evidence administered, the prosecutors retained, in essence, the following factual situation:
On 02.06.2021, while he was in an apartment located in the municipality of Bucharest, District 3, the defendant performed an oral sexual act with the injured person (a 17-year-old boy), taking advantage of his position of authority and trust arising from his capacity as a teacher of the injured person.
On 17.12.2021, while he was in a house in the municipality of Bucharest, sector 3, the defendant performed acts of a sexual nature on the injured person (a 16-year-old boy), taking advantage of his position of authority and trust arising from his capacity as a teacher of the injured person. The defendant was detained for a period of 24 hours.
In the case, the judge of rights and freedoms from the District Court of Bucharest 3 will be notified with a proposal for the preventive arrest of the defendant, for a period of 30 days. The investigations are continued by the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Bucharest Court and the General Directorate of Police of the Municipality of Bucharest – Homicide Service – Sexual Assault Bureau.
We make it clear that the initiation of the criminal action and the ordering of preventive measures are stages of the criminal process regulated by the Code of Criminal Procedure, with the aim of creating the procedural framework for the administration of evidence, activities that cannot, under any circumstances, defeat the principle of the presumption of innocence”, the Prosecutor’s Office upon the Bucharest Court says in a press release.
“The Ministry of Education shows zero tolerance towards any deviations from legal, professional, ethical norms and towards any form of abuse and violence: physical, psychological or emotional”, the Ministry of Education announced.
In addition, it is also stated that the school where he teaches will take the decision to suspend the employment contract of the Economics teacher, during the investigation.

The post Teacher from a prestigious high school in Bucharest arrested for raping two boys appeared first on The Romania Journal.

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