‘Thanks to the classes, I feel better’: the vital role of psychosocial support for Ukraine’s displaced people

‘Thanks to the classes, I feel better’: the vital role of psychosocial support for Ukraine’s displaced people

With the help of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society, one woman who fled conflict in the region has been able to rebuild her life

When the conflict in Ukraine escalated in February 2022, Valentyna’s town in the easternmost Luhansk region was shelled several times and her home was destroyed. The 64-year-old reluctantly packed the few belongings she had left into a single sports bag and fled.

The Ukrainian Red Cross Society (URCS) helped Valentyna with supplies, giving her footwear and clothing. “All my clothes are from the URCS,” she says. “It was a relief when they helped.”

The UCRS provides a range of mental health and psychosocial support services. Photographs: Mykhaylo Palinchak/Panos/British Red Cross

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