The 2024s: State of DevOps

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The world of DevOps in 2024 is one of complexity and rapid evolution. Over the years, DevOps has seen an explosion of buzzwords and subfields, each promising to enhance and streamline software development and operations. However, as we navigate this intricate landscape, we must ask ourselves if DevOps remains a culture-first methodology. Recent changes, such as Gene Kim’s rebranding of the DevOps Enterprise Summit to the Enterprise Technology Leadership Summit, add to this uncertainty. Let’s explore the state of DevOps in 2024, using the Crowdstrike outage as a case study to analyze various “Ops” methodologies and their proactive and reactive strategies.

Evolution and Fragmentation

DevOps has always been about breaking down silos between development and operations teams. The goal was to foster a culture of collaboration, continuous improvement, and efficiency. However, as new terms like NoOps, AIOps, GitOps, and ChatOps emerged, the focus shifted towards specialized automation and advanced technological solutions. While these advancements bring numerous benefits, they also risk creating new silos, potentially undermining the original DevOps philosophy.

Is DevOps Still Culture-First?

The question of whether DevOps remains culture-first is crucial. The rebranding of the DevOps Enterprise Summit to the Enterprise Technology Leadership Summit by Gene Kim suggests a shift towards a more technology-centric approach. This change prompts introspection. “I am all alone in this world of mine,” wondering if the cultural essence of DevOps is fading in favor of technological advancements and enterprise leadership.

The Crowdstrike Outage: A Case Study

The Crowdstrike outage of 2024 provides a perfect example to analyze how different DevOps subfields might handle a significant incident.

NoOps Approach


Automation: Implement end-to-end automated monitoring and self-healing systems to detect and address issues before they escalate.

Continuous Deployment: Ensure zero-touch deployment pipelines for seamless updates and bug fixes.

Resource Scaling: Use automated resource scaling to manage traffic spikes and prevent system overloads.


Automated Rollback: Deploy automated rollback mechanisms to revert to the last stable state quickly.

Incident Response Scripts: Use pre-written scripts to diagnose and mitigate issues rapidly.

Self-Healing Systems: Utilize self-healing capabilities to automatically correct issues in real-time.

AIOps Approach


Predictive Analytics: Leverage AI to predict potential system failures using historical data and trends.

Anomaly Detection: Implement AI-driven anomaly detection to identify deviations from normal operations.

Automated Remediation: Set up AI systems to automatically remediate detected issues before they impact users.


AI-Driven Root Cause Analysis: Use AI to quickly identify the root cause of the outage, speeding up resolution.

Dynamic Resource Allocation: Allow AI to dynamically allocate resources to mitigate the impact of the outage.

Real-Time Alerts: Enable AI to provide real-time alerts and actionable insights to the incident response team.

GitOps Approach


Infrastructure as Code: Maintain all infrastructure configurations in version-controlled repositories for consistency.

Automated CI/CD: Implement continuous integration and deployment pipelines to streamline updates and fixes.

Regular Audits: Conduct regular audits of infrastructure code to ensure compliance and security.


Rollback to Previous State: Utilize version control to roll back to a known good state efficiently.

Detailed Logs: Use detailed logs from version control to diagnose and address the issue.

Restore from Backup: Implement automated backups to restore any lost data or configurations quickly.

ChatOps Approach


Integrated Monitoring: Integrate monitoring tools with chat platforms for real-time alerts and notifications.

Automated Notifications: Set up automated notifications for key metrics and incidents to keep the team informed.

Collaborative Workflows: Use chat platforms to facilitate collaborative incident response planning and execution.


Real-Time Collaboration: Use chat platforms for real-time collaboration during incident resolution.

Command Execution: Execute commands directly from the chat platform to address issues immediately.

Post-Mortem Analysis: Conduct post-mortem analysis and discussions via chat to improve future responses.

DevSecOps Approach


Security Integration: Integrate security checks into every stage of the DevOps pipeline.

Continuous Monitoring: Implement continuous security monitoring to detect vulnerabilities early.

Regular Penetration Testing: Conduct regular penetration testing to identify and fix potential security flaws.


Immediate Threat Response: Use automated tools to identify and neutralize threats swiftly.

Incident Response Plans: Have detailed incident response plans that include security-specific steps.

Post-Incident Reviews: Conduct thorough reviews to understand security breaches and improve defenses.

Platform Engineering Approach


Standardized Tools: Use standardized tools and practices across all teams to ensure consistency.

Automated Environments: Implement automated environments to streamline development and deployment processes.

Developer Self-Service: Enable developer self-service for infrastructure and deployments to improve efficiency.


Centralized Response: Coordinate a centralized response to incidents, leveraging platform-wide tools.

Quick Fix Deployment: Use standardized environments to deploy fixes quickly and consistently.

Continuous Improvement: Analyze incidents to continuously improve platform tools and processes.

Other “Ops” Approaches

Green DevOps

Green DevOps focuses on sustainability by optimizing resource usage and minimizing environmental impact. Proactively, it involves energy-efficient coding practices and resource allocation. Reactively, it ensures that recovery processes are environmentally friendly and resource-efficient.


MLOps integrates machine learning into DevOps practices. Proactively, it involves automated model training and deployment. Reactively, it ensures quick retraining and redeployment of models in case of failures.


The emergence of various “Ops” subfields—NoOps, AIOps, GitOps, ChatOps, Green DevOps, and MLOps—offers specialized solutions but also risks creating new silos. The original goal of DevOps was to foster collaboration and break down barriers between development and operations teams. However, the increasing fragmentation into specialized fields could lead to the regression of the DevOps concept, undermining its core principles.

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