The case for and against a vote for the Green party | Letters

The case for and against a vote for the Green party | Letters

A large increase in the Greens’ vote share will make other politicians wake up, writes Cherry Waters. Plus letters from Dave Walker, Daniel Wimberley, John Searby, Tim Rickard and George Carnarvon

George Monbiot urges those lucky enough to live in one of the four constituencies with a real chance of electing a Green MP to vote for them (Who should hold the next prime minister to account? Our best hope lies with the Green party, 12 June). But he doesn’t go far enough. In this election, more than any other, there is a real point in voting for every Green candidate, wherever they are standing, now that it’s a given that the Tories are toast and Labour are going to win.

The more of the electorate who vote Green but are not represented by a Green MP, the stronger the case is for proportional representation. And with two, three or even four Green MPs in the Commons to lead the other MPs who empathise with Compass, which has long been campaigning for PR, we will have the best chance yet of achieving real democracy for future elections.
Cherry Waters
South Milford, North Yorkshire

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