The Conservative party has shifted too far to the right. We must fight for the centre ground | Timothy Kirkhope

The Conservative party has shifted too far to the right. We must fight for the centre ground | Timothy Kirkhope

By pandering to ever-smaller sections of the electorate, we Tories have failed to address the country as a whole, says a former immigration minister

Top Tories fuelled riots with ‘divisive language’ on immigration, say party grandees

There is a huge gap in British politics, a gap partly created by the Conservative party looking to the right and apparently neglecting the centre ground. The party today is unrecognisable compared with when it entered into government following the 2010 general election. And many in my party have turned a blind eye to this rightward shift.

This trajectory and attempts by some to offer the electorate a form of “Reform-lite” have been bad for our country, our international standing and the party itself. Whichever way you look at it, the 2024 general election was a disaster.

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