The first rule of Bite Club? Survive an attack by an apex predator

The first rule of Bite Club? Survive an attack by an apex predator

Surviving a shark – or lion, or bear – attack is the key criteria for entry into Bite Club. Together its members navigate their next big challenge: what happens after you survive?

Paul Kenny was camping behind the dunes at Samurai beach, north of Port Stephens on the Australian east coast, when he jumped naked into the water to “just wake up”. It was freezing but he caught a good wave, got some speed up and hit something. At first he thought it was another person but there was no one else swimming. He had body surfed into the head of a 2.5-metre (8ft) bronze whaler shark and his outstretched arm was in its teeth.

And with that, Kenny met the criteria to enter the small, exclusive Bite Club.

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