The Frontend Challenge: Sculpting Sacredness of Lord Shiva

RMAG news

This is a submission for Frontend Challenge v24.04.17, CSS Art: June.


When I think of June, I am reminded of the vibrant cultural and religious celebrations that take place around the world. For this challenge, I chose to create a piece of art inspired by Lord Shiva, a significant deity in Hindu religion, symbolizing transformation and transcendence. June, being a month of transitions—whether it’s the shift to summer in many parts of the world or a time of spiritual reflection—felt like the perfect time to honor Lord Shiva through CSS art.



Creating this CSS art of Lord Shiva was a fascinating journey. I began by defining custom CSS variables for colors and gradients, setting the stage for the overall aesthetic. Using a combination of flexbox and absolute positioning, I structured the elements to resemble Lord Shiva’s iconic features.

The head and body were formed using divs with border-radius properties, while intricate details like the third eye and crescent moon were meticulously crafted using absolute positioning and box-shadow effects. Animation was added to certain elements to give them a dynamic and lifelike appearance.

Throughout the process, I experimented with various CSS properties and techniques, refining the art piece to achieve the desired outcome. This project not only honed my CSS skills but also deepened my appreciation for the artistry achievable through code.

In the end, the result was a visually striking representation of Lord Shiva, paying homage to this revered deity in Hindu culture through the medium of CSS.