The Guardian view on Kamala Harris’s speech: the Democrats have liftoff | Editorial

The Guardian view on Kamala Harris’s speech: the Democrats have liftoff | Editorial

The Chicago convention capped a month that has changed US politics. But there are 10 weeks still to go

Little more than a month ago, what the Democratic party has achieved in Chicago this week would have seemed unthinkable. Yet, in a few short weeks, the party has dumped a stumbling Joe Biden as its nominee, seamlessly installed Kamala Harris as his unchallenged replacement, acclaimed Tim Walz as her running mate, reinvigorated its campaign and its finances, and made itself competitive against Donald Trump again. If that was not enough, Ms Harris’s acceptance speech on Thursday topped off a convention week that at times brimmed with commitment and enthusiasm.

It all adds up to a textbook political transformation. It has had many in the party pinching themselves in disbelief. Though they all left it dangerously late, those who made this happen deserve the gratitude of millions, and not just in the US. The campaign has now achieved as powerful a liftoff as could have been hoped in the circumstances. Yet this is only the start. There is still an election to win, an election that will shape America and the world. The feelgood mood in Chicago will turn to ashes if Mr Trump is elected.

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