The Observer view on Afghanistan: Britain and the US are complicit in the Taliban’s oppression of women

The Observer view on Afghanistan: Britain and the US are complicit in the Taliban’s oppression of women

Despite the regime withdrawing even the most basic human rights of women and girls, liberal democracies have failed to take action

‘So pervasive is the Taliban’s institutionalised gender oppression, and so slender are the spaces in which women and girls may live freely, that in Afghanistan today almost any act can be characterised as an act of resistance.”

That conclusion from Richard Bennett, the UN special rapporteur on human rights in Afghanistan, encapsulates how unbearably suffocating it is to be female in Afghanistan today: excluded from education and from running a business; forbidden from going outside for a walk or to exercise, to speak or show any part of their face or body outside the home; or even for their voices to be heard singing or reading from within their own home. There is no other country where women and girls are so oppressed on the basis of their sex.

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