The place in Romania with record night temperature, of almost 28 °C

The place in Romania with record night temperature, of almost 28 °C

On Monday morning it was +27.6 °C in Oravița, in Banat, the value being close to the highest overnight minimum ever measured in the country. Oravița is a place with a special climate and there were heat records there even in the winter of this year. The highest nocturnal minimums measured in recent decades were above 27 C, the highest temperature being +28.8 °C.

The second highest minimum in the country on Monday was in Dumbrăvița de Codru, +25.6 °C.

Meteorologists call these nights when the temperature does not drop below 20 degrees tropical nights. At low altitudes they occur between May and September, and exceptionally (once every few decades) they can also occur in April at Drobeta Turnu Severin and Oravița.
In Oravița, an exceptional tropical night also occurred at the end of March, in 2024! More precisely, on the last day of March, the minimum was +20.2 C, 14 degrees more than the normal for the period. The weather station is at an altitude of 308 m. On Monday, at 0 o’clock, it was 28 C, and at 7 o’clock it was almost 30 C in Oravița. The temperature exceeded 32 C at 12 o’clock, and the maximum of the day was +34.3 C. The highest temperature on Monday in the country after noon was +38.1 C, in Zimnicea.
There is an issue when the night is so hot, because the body has no way to cool down enough, and for people physical and mental stress sets in. It is difficult to fall asleep and the quality of sleep suffers a lot.
Oravița, Şiria, Sulina, Dumbrăvița de Codru, Gura Portiței, Constanța, Mangalia, Giurgiu and Cotnari are some of the places where summer nights are extremely hot.
On Tuesday morning, the temperature maps indicated that the highest minimums were +23.2 in Zimnicea and +23 C in Vaslui. In Oravița, it was almost 19 C. The lowest temperature, 7.3 C, was over 2,000 m above sea level, in the Țarcu mountains.

The post The place in Romania with record night temperature, of almost 28 °C appeared first on The Romania Journal.