The post-Biden era may be uncertain for the Democrats, but for Trump it will be utterly dismaying | Simon Tisdall

The post-Biden era may be uncertain for the Democrats, but for Trump it will be utterly dismaying | Simon Tisdall

Whoever is nominated, a fresh choice will be on offer – a far better one than a grudge match between two grumpy old men

To borrow from Shakespeare, “Nothing in his life became him like the leaving it.” Joe Biden might have clung on. He could, in his pain and pride, have fought and failed and lost the presidency to a gloating Donald Trump. He could have let his stubborn Irish heart rule his greying Yankee head. But in the end, finally, Biden, old and ill, bravely did the right and honourable thing.

Likening the departing US leader to the Thane of Cawdor is risky, all the same. The latter’s sudden demise opened the way to even greater tragedy, as students of Macbeth and disputed successions know well. Whether Kamala Harris, Biden’s hand-picked heir, can rise from the ashes of a burnt-out presidency is the great question of the hour. Never in modern times has the Oval Office – the world’s biggest, most awesomely powerful job – been so totally up for grabs with a few frenetic weeks to go.

Simon Tisdall is the Observer’s foreign affairs commentator

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