The Substance: Demi Moore body horror film earns 11 minute standing ovation and rave first reactions

The Substance: Demi Moore body horror film earns 11 minute standing ovation and rave first reactions

Seven years have gone by since director Coralie Fargeat made her feature directorial debut with a very cool revenge movie that was appropriately titled Revenge – you can read our 8/10 review of the film at THIS LINK. Now Fargeat is back with an “explosive feminist take on body horror” called The Substance, which stars Demi Moore (Ghost) and Margaret Qualley (Once Upon a Time in Hollywood). The film had its premiere at the Cannes Film Festival over the weekend, earning rave first reactions and an 11-minute standing ovation from the audience. (While also catching media attention with its scenes of Moore and Qualley displaying full frontal nudity.) We have assembled some of the reactions (several of which aren’t in English, so you might need to run a translator) here:

I can’t get off my head #TheSubstance it’s an absolute brillant and well directed movie. Demi Moore and Margaret Qualley at their bests. Unbelievable that this movie is actually in Competition. Unforgettable session tonight! Probably my Palme d’or so far! #Cannes2024

— Michaël Fryce (@michael_fryce) May 20, 2024

Personne n’est prêt pour #TheSubstance de Coralie Fargeat, où la quête insensée de la beauté éternelle amène à un cauchemar de body horror sans limites, convoquant autant La Mouche et The Thing que La Grande Bouffe, le tout dans un océan d’hémoglobine. Monstrueux !#Cannes2024

— Alexandre Janowiak (@A_Janowiak) May 19, 2024

My friend looked at me during the big NYE moment of #TheSubstance and said I was like a kid at Disneyland smiling like it was my birthday. That also tells you how much I’m a sicko! Best film so far #Cannes

— stevie wong (@wongie1) May 19, 2024

La Palme d’or à #TheSubstance ! @coraliefargeat signe un classique instantané de l’horreur avec cette fable féministe qui dénonce la politique du jeunisme à Hollywood. Aussi féroce que lucide, une mise en scène qui évoque David Cronenberg et Gaspar Noé. Du très grand cinéma.

— Stéphanie Belpêche (@StephBelpeche) May 19, 2024

So fun to share smart, witty body horror flick The Substance with a big audience at Cannes. It’s gross and incisively feminist, and both Demi Moore and current Margaret Qualley are terrific. Mubi picked it up worldwide and should do well with it. Audiences will spread good word.

— Anne Thompson (@akstanwyck) May 20, 2024

#TheSubstance es la pelicula mas arriesgada y loca de esta edicion. Grandes aplausos y comparaciones con Cronenberg y Ducournau. Una brillante obra de terror corporal oscura, divertida y sangrienta. Demi Moore sensacional en uno de sus mejores trabajos #Cannes2024.

— Zuaitz Huerta (@bullock25) May 19, 2024

The substance is pure camp and then there’s wonderfully made, practical body horror, so gory and bloody and fun, a fucking great time at the movies, so many walkouts at the first hint of body horror lol #cannes

— F (@misss_ff) May 20, 2024

Avec #TheSubstance, Coralie Fargeat dynamite le culte de la jeunesse et la misogynie avec jubilation. Du body-horror de haute volée, où Demi Moore et Margaret Qualley explosent tout. Un régal. #Cannes2024

— Vanessa Bonet (@_garmonbozia) May 20, 2024

#TheSubstance is rife with metaphors about women in Hollywood and the consequences of self-hatred.

Covered in blood, ripped-out teeth, peeled-off fingernails and the most grotesque prosthetics in recent memory, the movie is not for the faint of heart.

— Variety (@Variety) May 19, 2024

Dans mon lit. 3h du mat. Et je suis encore en boucle sur #TheSubstance. Quand Dorian Grey rencontre Kubrick, Cronenberg et Sam Raimi, quand Sueurs Froides fait des bisous à Perfect dans une boucherie charcuterie pour faire exploser le male gaze, bah je trouve plus le sommeil #kif

— Perrine Quennesson (@EvyMantle) May 20, 2024

Merci Coralie Fargeat pour cette dynamite déjà culte qu’est #TheSubstance. Quand la spirale infernale de la quête de la beauté éternelle devient un cauchemar viscéral, monstrueux, grandiloquent et cathartique. Un grand hommage à l’horreur. Demi Moore grandiose. #Cannes2024

— Mégane Choquet (@MeganeChoquet) May 19, 2024

PUMP IT UP! La gamberrada más loca del festival de Cannes ! La prensa aplaudiendo como si fuera Sitges. Si Waters y Cronenberg tuvieran una hija se parecería mucho a esta peli. Eso si. Dura demasiado. Salimos bañados en sangre. Pero de la que mola. #thesubstance

— Sexy Crítico 2.0 (@TdpSexy) May 19, 2024

Muy a favor de que un festival como #Cannes2024 programe a concurso una propuesta tan de género, tan histriónica y tan sangrienta como #TheSubstance. Fargeat no hace prisioneros. O entras o te expulsa. Fantástico todo

— Carlos Elorza (@Carlos_Elorza) May 20, 2024

#Cannes2024 Salimos ensangrentados de #TheSubstance, la película de Coralie Fargeat de la que se va a hablar muchísimo. Menuda reina Demi Moore en esta historia sobre envejecer, la dictadura de la imagen y la violencia de los cánones de belleza

@pepablanes & @JoseMRomero

— El cine en la SER (@ElCineEnLaSER) May 19, 2024

Ça fait un bien fou de voir un film qui donne absolument TOUT quitte à parfois en faire trop, il dépasse ses promesses avec une énergie folle assez unique entrainant le spectateur dans un tourbillon grotesque et amusant #TheSubstance

— Renaudot lucas (@Lucas_Renaudot) May 20, 2024

Of course, no film is for everyone, so there were some less positive reactions as well:

Film entertainment qui pousse le curseur, jusqu’au-boutisme salutaire, déferlement expiatoire d’hemoglobine pour ? Pas grand chose, vulgaire, une monstruosité inanimée qui ne cesse de se battre contre sa propre absence. Un show visuel et jubilatoire, pas plus. #TheSubstance

— Pierig L. (@Mister_ig) May 20, 2024

Begeistringen for THE SUBSTANCE i Cannes tyder på en litt desperat sult etter body horror som vil noe mer enn å skremme og støte. Tross etterlengtet tematikk om alderstyranniet i Hollywood og Demi Moores comeback – subtilt og elegant er det ikke. Poengene hamres inn. #Cannes2024

— Kjetil Lismoen (@kjetilLismoen) May 20, 2024

Mubi having recently acquired theatrical distribution rights to The Substance, but a release date has not yet been announced. The film is said to be gory, but also humorous. Here’s the official synopsis: It generates another you. A new, younger, more beautiful, more perfect you. And there’s only one rule: You share time. One week for you. One week for the new you. Seven days each. A perfect balance. Easy. Right? If you respect the balance… what could possibly go wrong?

Moore and Qualley are joined in the cast by Dennis Quaid (Lawmen: Bass Reeves). At one point, Ray Liotta was attached to appear in the film as well, but he passed away soon after his casting was announced. He was replaced by Quaid, who dedicated his performance to Liotta.

Eric Fellner and Tim Bevan produced The Substance for the company Working Title. Alexandra Loewy of Working Title and Nicolas Royer of A Good Story serve as executive producers.

Are you interested in The Substance after seeing the positive reactions that have come out of the Cannes Film Festival screening? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

The post The Substance: Demi Moore body horror film earns 11 minute standing ovation and rave first reactions appeared first on JoBlo.