The Tory leadership race says it all about the trouble they are in. Jenrick, Badenoch, Stride: what a crew! | Geoffrey Wheatcroft

The Tory leadership race says it all about the trouble they are in. Jenrick, Badenoch, Stride: what a crew! | Geoffrey Wheatcroft

The party has faced crisis before, but this feels different. Financially and intellectually bereft, membership dwindling … it’s a battle for not much

If the 1982 Falklands war was what the great Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges called “two bald men fighting over a comb”, how can we describe the present contest for the leadership of the Conservative party? Half a dozen toothless people squabbling over a toothbrush?

Out of some form of perversity or masochism the Tories have made this contest as protracted as possible, with one ballot after another among the remaining rump of the party’s MPs before the last two names go forward to members, such as they are. But even those concerned can’t believe this process is being followed by the nation with rapt inattention. If there is such a thing as unrapt inattention, that will be more like it.

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