These dismal debates have debased British politics | Letters

These dismal debates have debased British politics | Letters

The standard of the election’s televised encounters between party leaders could have been a lot higher, argue Richard Bryant, Daryl Birden and Peter Wrigley

Has there ever been such a wretchedly dismal general election campaign (The Guardian view on televised election debates, the voters deserve better, Editorial, 27 June)? Such a miserable indictment of the current state of our politics and thoroughly rotten political system. This has culminated in the sordid betting furore, as potential MPs – public servants, let us remember – gamble on the “game” that is our shared future.

The final straw was last Wednesday’s desperate “debate” (it was no such thing) between the two leaders, one of whom will be our prime minister as of Friday. Who on earth thinks there is any value in the increasingly impolite exchange of unsubstantiated claims and counter-claims?

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