They talk about tough choices: they mean cuts. Is Labour on the side of working people or not? | Sharon Graham

They talk about tough choices: they mean cuts. Is Labour on the side of working people or not? | Sharon Graham

Ahead of tomorrow’s TUC conference, we need to know if ministers are prepared to break with austerity or they are stuck in the past

Our economy is broken. Our public services are in crisis, from the NHS to the dozens of local councils facing bankruptcy. Our industries are in crisis as infrastructure collapses, from transport and water to the electricity grid. From Port Talbot to Aberdeen, tens of thousands of workers face job cuts from an unjust “transition to net zero”.

And, as the prime minister, Keir Starmer, has noticed, behind this economic failure looms an even bigger societal black hole. Last month’s riots were a warning sign. If you kill hope, if you abandon working-class communities, you create an open wound of discontent that the scapegoaters will stick their fingers in. This is how support for rightwing nationalism grows.

Sharon Graham is the general secretary of Unite

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