Trump once seemed invincible. Then Kamala Harris broke the spell | Sidney Blumenthal

Trump once seemed invincible. Then Kamala Harris broke the spell | Sidney Blumenthal

Despite his granitic unpopularity, Trump’s stunts always held attention. Now, Harris makes his act seem old

“It’ll begin to end when the act gets tired and the audience starts walking out,” Warren Beatty, a perspicacious observer, told me eight years ago, in the early summer of 2016, when Donald Trump had just secured the Republican nomination.

At the time, Trump was calling in for hours to enraptured TV talk show hosts jacking up their ratings. It was a cocaine trade. In return he snorted $5bn in free media – more than all the other candidates combined. When Trump launched The Apprentice in 2004, a tightly edited fantasy of the six-time bankrupt as king of the heap, he had long been dismissed as a loser and bore in New York. His charade was popcorn fare for out-of-towners. Who knew that the fake reality show’s ultimate winner, announced years after its cancellation, would be JD Vance?

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