Trump: Should We Be Scared? review – no, we should be absolutely terrified

Trump: Should We Be Scared? review – no, we should be absolutely terrified

Judging by these interviews with the Donald’s fans about everything from a national abortion ban to immigration, the future of the US looks unstable at best. But why the lack of pushback?

The title of Matt Frei’s latest documentary is Trump: Should We Be Scared? You probably know the short answer. This is the longer one. Frei, a journalist and presenter for Channel 4 and its former Washington correspondent, roams through Miami, Florida and Washington DC talking mostly to the Donald’s fans in the former and to people still blinking in shock at their exposure to him during his presidency in the latter.

The fans include rightwing Christians prepared to overlook the multiple marriages, conviction for sexual abuse and assorted other events not in keeping with biblical recommendations because, as Frank López, a pastor, businessman and founder of the evangelical Iglesia Doral Jesus Worship Center in the Sunshine State, says: “He has a vision of America I like.” “I feel God is with him,” says another fervent Christian. “He fears the Lord.” A video made by some of the 45th president’s supporters assures viewers: “God made Trump.”

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