Twilio Challenge: Can You Beat Gemini? Tic Tac Toe

Twilio Challenge: Can You Beat Gemini? Tic Tac Toe

This is a submission for the Twilio Challenge

What I Built

I built an interactive Tic-Tac-Toe game called “Can You Beat Gemini? Tic Tac Toe.” This project allows players to test their skills against Gemini AI, providing a challenging and fun experience.


To See it in action, make a call to *+1 (806) *

Source Code

Can You Beat Gemini? Tic Tac Toe

Welcome to the Can You Beat Gemini? Tic Tac Toe project! This is an interactive Tic-Tac-Toe game where you play against an AI opponent named Gemini(Gemini API). The AI is designed to challenge your strategic thinking and make your Tic-Tac-Toe games more interesting.


AI-Powered Opponent: The AI, powered by Gemini, makes strategic moves to offer a robust challenge.

Real-Time Game State Updates: The game board updates dynamically after each move, providing real-time visual feedback.

Voice and SMS Integration: Use Twilio to handle user inputs via voice and SMS for an engaging experience.

Session Management: Continuity in the game state across multiple moves using Laravel’s session management.


PHP 8.1 or higher
Laravel 11
Twilio Account


Clone the repository:

git clone
cd can-you-beat-gemini-tictactoe

Install dependencies:

composer install
npm install

Set up environment variables:


Generate an application

Twilio and AI

I used Twilio to get input from the user in digits (1-9), each representing a cell on the Tic-Tac-Toe board. Then, I used Gemini AI to play against the human user. Finally, I used the Twilio Messaging API (WhatsApp) to send the updated board when both AI and human players make their moves. I also used Twilio Functions to host the code.

Additional Prize Categories

Twilio Times Two – The project uses Twilio Programmable Messaging (WhatsApp Sandbox), Twilio Programmable Voice and, Twilio Functions.
Entertaining Endeavors – The project creatively combines a classic game with advanced AI technology, making it not just a simple Tic Tac Toe game but an engaging battle of wits against an AI opponent. By leveraging Twilio to receive user inputs and send real-time game updates via WhatsApp, the project ensures continuous engagement and keeps the players entertained throughout the game.