Undemocratic and secretive: the BMA no longer speaks for doctors trying to protect children | Jacky Davis

Undemocratic and secretive: the BMA no longer speaks for doctors trying to protect children | Jacky Davis

The union is risking its reputation by opposing the Cass report on gender identity services

• Dr Jacky Davis is a consultant radiologist and a member of the BMA council
BMA stance on Cass review of transgender care has ‘damaged its reputation’

The British Medical Association is both a trade union and a professional organisation. Professional activities such as its successful campaigns around seatbelt legislation and smoking have added weight to its standing as a union. It is not noted for drama and histrionics.

So there was significant surprise when its governing body, the BMA council, recently voted to reject the recommendations of the Cass review, an independent review commissioned to look at NHS gender identity services in England, which was accepted in full by the last government and its successor.

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