Using Nuxt 3 server routes for telegram bot api

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In this short article, we’re going to use telegram setWebhook, instead of getUpdates polling mechanism. I omit the steps where you have to set up a new bot in telegram UI, using BotFather

Nuxt 3 setup

Create in “server/api” directory with the following contents:

import TelegramBot from node-telegram-bot-api

export default defineEventHandler(async event => {
const config = useRuntimeConfig()
const token = config.telegramBotToken

// Create a new TelegramBot instance (without polling)
const bot = new TelegramBot(token)

// Read the incoming request body
const body = await readBody(event)

// Extract the message
const { message } = body

if (message) {
const chatId =
const text = message.text

// Respond to the received message
if (text) {
await bot.sendMessage(chatId, `Ты сказал: ${text}`)

// Handle /start command
if (text && text.startsWith(/start)) {
await bot.sendMessage(
Hi, i am bot, how can i help you?,

return { status: ok, message }

don’t forget to add “node-telegram-bot-api” npm package. The we start Nuxt3 instance. Now we need to set up a webhook.

We have to call:
this command will set up our POST API endpoint as webhook for telegram. Official documentation on hooks

If you’re done everything corretly, then whenever you type a message to your bot, you’ll get a response.

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