Victoria Atkins’ media outing for Tories sends the babbleometer off the scale | John Crace

Victoria Atkins’ media outing for Tories sends the babbleometer off the scale | John Crace

Hardly seen since Rish! called the election, the health secretary appeared ready for at least five years R&R in opposition

She lives! I must admit I had been getting worried about Victoria Atkins. Ever since Rishi Sunak called the general election she has been missing in action. As indeed have all of her cabinet colleagues. Poor Rish! has been left to tour the home counties – he’s hardly ventured anywhere north of Birmingham – on his own while the rest of his team have slipped off the radar. She couldn’t even be bothered to make an appearance when junior doctors announced they were continuing strike action. Obviously that was of no interest to a health secretary.

So it was a relief to discover that Vicky has not died or is not otherwise incapacitated. Well, not much. Either that or she sent a body double on to the Sunday morning politics’ shows to speak on behalf of the government and to show that – for an hour at least – she was right behind behind the Conservatives’ campaign to get re-elected. Though she might well go back into hiding after that. Any Tory MP with serious career ambitions is trying to distance themselves from Rish!.

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