Was Kamala Harris’s big interview a success? Sort of | Moira Donegan

Was Kamala Harris’s big interview a success? Sort of | Moira Donegan

Harris was competent, personable and forceful – but didn’t have much to say about abortion or Gaza

How much of an incentive does Kamala Harris really have to lay out a thorough policy agenda? With fewer than 70 days until the general election, the newly official Democratic presidential nominee has exited her party’s Chicago convention riding a a wave of tight but improving poll numbers and tremendous party goodwill.

Her move to the top of the ticket has prompted waves of enthusiasm and barely concealed relief, as young voters and weary Democrats greeted the happy prospect of an election campaign that was, at last, not between Biden and Trump. The shift of candidates initiated a new shift in the campaign’s voice, with a more playful, irreverent and optimistic turn coming to characterize the Democrats’ public messaging. When the vibes are this good, few people ask about specifics.

Moira Donegan is a Guardian US columnist

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