‘We don’t want to live in a prison’: grief and anger in a West Bank refugee camp

‘We don’t want to live in a prison’: grief and anger in a West Bank refugee camp

In Nur Shams, close to the Israeli border, tarpaulins conceal alleyways from the eyes of Israeli drones and militants meet under cover of darkness

There is no light at night in the Nur Shams refugee camp other than that of a bright moon, although even that doesn’t fully penetrate the maze of narrow alleyways; since 7 October, residents here have stretched sheets of black tarpaulin across the camp’s streets to block the view of Israeli attack drones.

In an uncovered passageway no more than a metre wide between the camp’s shoddily constructed homes, Mohammed al-Jaber, known as Abu Shuja’a, the 25-year-old leader of the local Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) cell, greeted a dozen young men who emerged from the darkness.

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