We made an UberEats Clone And Made The App Repo Open Source

We made an UberEats Clone And Made The App Repo Open Source

Open-Source Solution For Delivery App

After a 4-year journey through the world of proprietary software, we’re excited to announce that we’ve taken the big leap into open source with the release of Enatega(enatega.com) – a delivery management software that is made to launch your own food delivery or any other relevant business.

Here’s of what Enatega offers:

Effortless Setup: Forget complex setups! Run Enatega locally with just a few commands on your existing device.
Cross-Platform Flexibility: Enatega works on various platforms, so you can easily test it on your emulators or phones.
Open-Source Advantage: Enatega provides live demos, clear documentation, and helpful videos to guide you through the process, leaving you well-equipped.

You can find the source code and get started here: (https://github.com/ninjas-code-official/food-delivery-multivendor)

Our Journey To Open Source

Enatega: From Niche Competitor to Open-Source Leader

Enatega’s journey began 4 years ago at Ninjas Code, a software development agency. We envisioned launching a local delivery app alongside our core services. Initially, we aimed to compete with an existing solution, confident we could address its shortcomings. However, as a developer-focused company, we lacked the marketing expertise to rival established players.

Recognizing this, we pivoted our strategy. Instead of competing, we decided to empower others by creating Enatega, a software solution enabling businesses to launch their own delivery services.

Initially, we marketed Enatega through 3rd party marketplaces. This approach was successful, but unfortunately, the marketplace shut down.

Faced with this challenge, we leveraged our development expertise. We open-sourced our app repository! This strategic move has gained significant traction without expensive marketing campaigns.

Enatega: How We Contribute Value

Contributor Benefits: Gain visibility and real-world experience by contributing to a project used by over 100 startups.

Sustainable Business Model: We maintain a healthy business model by offering a licensed backend server with a proprietary codebase. This caters to businesses requiring customizations beyond a fully open-source solution.

Why Not Fully Open-Source the Backend?

While many companies fully open-source their projects, our approach allows for necessary customization. Some businesses may require modifications to fit their specific needs, and a fully open-source backend wouldn’t provide that flexibility.

Enatega Multivendor: A Feature-Rich Open-Source Delivery App

Enatega Multivendor is a complete open-source solution for building multivendor food delivery apps. It offers features for customers, restaurants, riders, and admins, accessible across iOS, Android, and Web platforms.

Key Features:

User-friendly Mobile/Web App: Login/Signup, location-based search, detailed restaurant information, order tracking, multi-payment options (PayPal, Stripe), push notifications, multi-language support.
Restaurant Management App: Order receiving/acceptance, real-time order updates, menu management, delivery zone configuration, order history, online/offline status control.
Rider App: Real-time order status updates, in-app navigation, customer chat, earnings management, online/offline status control.
Admin Dashboard: Role-based access control, restaurant/rider/user management, commission rate management, global order status management, detailed restaurant analytics.

Technical Stack:

Frontend: React Native (mobile), React (web)
Backend: NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB
API: GraphQL
Payments: Stripe, PayPal
Analytics: Amplitude, Sentry
Push Notifications: Firebase

Join the Enatega Open-Source Community!

We’re actively seeking contributors to join our development efforts.

Discord Link: https://discord.gg/774fJ72qwH

Here’s how you can get involved:

Report bugs and suggest improvements (create issues).
Fix bugs or add features (create pull requests).

We have a vibrant Discord community to answer questions and guide new contributors. Join us and be part of building the future of open-source delivery solutions!

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