We the survivors and bereaved of Grenfell cannot sleep easy even now. Too many others are still at risk | Natasha Elcock

We the survivors and bereaved of Grenfell cannot sleep easy even now. Too many others are still at risk | Natasha Elcock

The report was damning, but change is happening too slowly. The contempt that killed our loved ones has killed before, and it will kill again

Now we finally have it, in black and white. Every single death at Grenfell Tower could, and should, have been avoided, and a long list of organisations, individuals and authorities failed us catastrophically.

We acknowledge that Sir Martin Moore-Bick and the inquiry team have produced a thorough report, following an incredibly detailed inquiry process. But while we are supportive of the report, we feel there are areas where Moore-Bick did not go far enough.

Natasha Elcock is a survivor of the Grenfell Tower fire who lost her uncle on the night of 14 June 2017. She is the chair of Grenfell United, the survivors and bereaved family’s group

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