Weird Trailer for Surreal Dark Comedy ‘Booger’ Feat. Grace Glowicki

Weird Trailer for Surreal Dark Comedy ‘Booger’ Feat. Grace Glowicki

“You can’t make me better from Izzy dying.” Dark Sky Films has revealed an official trailer for an indie film titled Booger, which is actually the name of the (missing) cat in the film. Phew. It’s not actually about the other boogers up our noses, thankfully. This originally premiered at the Fantasia Film Festival last year and arrives on VOD in the US this September. After the death of her best friend Izzy, Anna focuses all her attention on Booger, the stray cat which she and Izzy took in. When Booger bites her, she begins to undergo a strange transformation. Bogger is a body horror comedy described in reviews as “a must-watch for horror connoisseurs who prefer horror films that make them think.” Grace Glowicki stars as Anna, with Garrick Bernard, Heather Matarazzo, Marcia DeBonis, Sofia Dobrushin, Jordan Carlos, and Richard Perez. This looks super weird, extra kooky, another creative look at the challenges of grief. Reviews say “the film allows Glowicki to shine, and Glowicki handles this character with the utmost respect.” Check this out. // Continue Reading ›