‘We’re still in the 1970s with cement’: Norway plant to blaze carbon-free concrete trail

‘We’re still in the 1970s with cement’: Norway plant to blaze carbon-free concrete trail

If successful, projects such as Heidelberg Materials’ plant in Brevik could help the industry to a third of its carbon savings by 2050

Shining bright among the hulking grey towers and tangled, dust-dulled pipes, at the mouth of a fjord two hours south-west of Oslo, stands a slim metal tube that may soon be hailed as a milestone in the energy transition.

The 100 metre-tall structure was erected in August with millimetre precision to trap carbon dioxide that spews out of a sprawling cement plant near the old shipping town of Brevik in Norway. Set to be finished by the end of the year, the facility will be the first of a handful around the world to capture carbon in the production of cement.

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